Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 5 דקותFeminismReproductive Rights as Female Privilege; Enforced Parenthood and Cuckoldry as only male RealityBody Autonomy and Reproductive Rights - A Gynocentric female Privilege; Accountability and Reproductive Responsibility - Only a Male...
Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 7 דקותInstitutiomalized CuckoldryThe Gynocentric Matrix of Institutionalized Male CuckoldryThe Gynocentric Matrix of Institutionalized Male Cuckoldry: Between Female Infidelity and the Financial Exploitation of Men! Cuckoldry is...
Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 25 דקותGender RolesEmpowering Female Infidelity and Legalizing Cuckoldry of MenA discourse about the roots of modern cuckoldry, gender biased discrimination against men in the legal system, the anti-male child...