Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 201933 דקותMythologyThe Transition of Gynocentric Concepts From Turko Slavic and Canaanite Mythology to Monotheism A Comparative Study in Turko - Slavic and Hebrew - Canaanite Folklore, Mythology and the Transition of Gynocentric Concepts into the...
Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 201911 דקותMonotheismMonotheism, Feminism and MisandryMedieval Europe in the light of Bogomil Misandry and the Manichean-Catharian Proto-Feminism An excerpt from "On the Origins of European...
Yoav Levin24 באוג׳ 201911 דקותFeminismChristian Mother of God and Jewish God the MotherChristian Mother of God and Jewish God the Mother: Two Side of the Same Religious Gynocentric Coin! An ecerpt from "On the Origions of...