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By Yoav Levin
Author, Researcher
& Men rights activist.


Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 3 דקות
Women Who Murder and Get Away with it: A Distinct Hallmark of Gynocentrism
Women who murder and get away with it is a distinct hallmark of gynocentrism. Whether those are women who kill their children, women who...
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 6 דקות
The Unheard Gender
The Neglect of Men as Social Work Clients or why The Joint Feminist Social Work Profession and the Family Courts Mirror Eleanor from...
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 21 דקות
Lethal Misandry and the Legacy of Eleanor from Aquitaine in the Modern Welfare State
How Social Work became the Spearhead of the War against Boys, Men and Masculinity and How Male Suicide Serves the Feminist Cause of...
16 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 9 דקות
Pressuring men into more domestic work, childcare and the feminization of men
Why men are already doing more than their fair share of family chores, how it is used to exploit men and why it is related to the male...
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 6 דקות
Preaching Misandry
Women’s Superiority in Medieval Church Theology and the Judeo Christian Heritage of Feminism and Misandry! Although the discourse here...
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 10 דקות
False accusations of Rape and Violence Against Men: Ancient and Old Literature Review
False accusations of Rape and Violence in the light of Ancient Gynocentric Castration and Modern feminist Emasculation Culture as...
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Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 5 דקות
Gender Roles in Ancient Rome and Today
From Favoring Women and Discriminating Men to Shaping modern Feminism as Misandry! Our recollection of events begins here about the year...
32 צפיות0 תגובות

24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 6 דקות
Gynocentrism and the Roots 0f Matriarchal Power Dynamics and Ideology in Medieval Europe
Behavioral philology can help us to elucidate many textual findings which in return bring to light and expose the unknown history of...
48 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 11 דקות
Monotheism, Feminism and Misandry
Medieval Europe in the light of Bogomil Misandry and the Manichean-Catharian Proto-Feminism An excerpt from "On the Origins of European...
22 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 5 דקות
Gender Roles and Family Life in Ancient Rome and the Rise of MGTOW: Why Were Men Reluctant to Marry
When feminists talk about patriarchy they mainly speak about the Roman Empire. However, a short overview of existing gender roles as well...
14 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 13 דקות
The Female Role in Spreading, Sustaining and Supporting Gynocentrism
Matriarchal Dynamics in Eleanor's Courts of Love and the Code of Poitevin as the Reflection of Southern France's Heretical Cathar Society...
17 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 15 דקות
The Goddess Worship, The Cult of the Princess and The Politics of Institutionalized Gynocentrism
Troubadours and Pop Culture: Medieval and Modern Gynocentric Indoctrination of Men through Art, Music, and Literature or How Eleanor of...
14 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 17 דקות
Chess, Male Disposability and the Gynocentric Shift of Power from Men to Women
From Gender Balance to Female on Male Dominance as reflected in the Medieval Evolution of Chess! An excerpt from "The Last Taboo" When...
20 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 43 דקות
The Demonization of Male Sexuality in the Bogomil and the Italian Cathar Creation Myth
The Demonization of Male Sexuality in the Bogomil and the Italian Cathar Creation Myth as the Basis of Feminist Misandry and Gynocentric...
44 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 13 דקות
Feminism, Gynocentrism and Misandry in Muslim Spain and the Works of Ibn Hazm
From Ibn Hazm to William the IX and Eleanor of Aquitaine: Identification and Analysis of Textual Examples in "The Ring of the Dove" as...
20 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 14 דקות
The Influence of the Andalusi Muashah on the Troubadour Poetry
An Excerpt frpm "On the Origin of European Gynocentrism and its Symbolism" 1.INTRODUCTION Under the leadership of Tariq Bin Ziyad, Muslim...
9 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 17 דקות
Jewish Muslim Feminine Traditions in Troubadour and Courtly Love Poetry from Northern Morocco
Jewish Muslim Feminine Traditions and the Origins of Feminist Narrative in Troubadour and Courtly Love Poetry from Northern Morocco and...
12 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 28 דקות
The Unknown History of Vedic and Brahmin Influence on the Medieval Judeo Christian Gynocentrism
The Unknown History of Vedic and Brahmin Influence on the Medieval Judeo Christian Gynocentrism and Modern Feminism! The Gynocentric...
27 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 13 דקות
Feudalism as an Economic Foundation of Gynocentrism
Feudalism as an Economic Foundation of Gynocentrism and a Marital Tool to Exploit Men in the Service of God, King and Women! An excerpt...
15 צפיות0 תגובות

Yoav Levin
24 באוג׳ 2019זמן קריאה 39 דקות
The Jewish Muslim Roots of the Troubadour's Courtly Love
The Jewish Muslim Legacy of Secular Love Poetry in the works of William the IX of Aquitaine and the Spread of Eleanor's of Aquitaine...
51 צפיות0 תגובות
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